LGBT activists, dissident Catholics throw Michigan parish into chaos by ousting priest, shaming …

BEAL CITY, Michigan (LifeSiteNews) — A group of pro-LGBT activists in conjunction with dissident …
Ann Smith
@P.O'B you said, 'I don't think I could do that.' Why?
P. O'B
Read that line again -- the proofreader was asleep. Try kneeling on your tongue.
Billy F
CINOS!!! Emasculated Bishops who are only CEOs and not Shepherds only wish to dialogue!!! Pray for our good Priests and Bishops!!! They are surrounded by wolves!
P. O'B
Good priest. But a great line in the article: "... he also allowed for kneeling on the tongue." I don't think I could do that.
Father Karl A Claver
What young man wants to become a priest when his bishop treats him like dirt. and can no longer perform his priestly duties.
Louis IX
Neither the bishop nor the priest had to succumb to the demands of the mob.
Denis Efimov
The Church of the Antichrist captured another parish, squeezing out a Catholic.